Aerosol Mart - Mua sơn Trực tuyến

Otto® refinish paints belong to HUNG GIA PAINT Co.LTD, manufactured in Malaysia under the It has a long history in developing and supplying unique quality coatings to the automotive industry.

Otto® refinish paints are coatings for the aftermarket car repair, offering the same advanced, often update new technology to the refinishing professional.

Complete solutions are available for every type of repair, on any type of substrate, on any type of vehicle. The different components of our various coatings can all be used efficiently on the same mixing machine, while our powerful colour formulation tools make short work of accurately matching an exact colour. Adding to this, the ease of using and reduction in flash times that you can achieve with our products and you will see the superior quality and increased performance compare with other paints in the market.


The basic Otto® tinters: 76 tinters, 6 crystal pearls, 6 candy tones, 5 binders can be combined into every conceivable shade and the Otto® system works with powerful retrieval tools to find the right colour quickly among the thousands of colour references currently available.

  • Thousand colour references.
  • Outstanding colour match.
  • Every week update formulation on internet.
  • Lower material consumption.
  • Time saving easy retrieval colour.
  • Solid, metallic and pearl, crystal pearl, possible candy tone colours.